Community Service 1st draft

I. Introduction

II.    Profile of the organization(s) you worked for. Who are they? What do they do to serve the community? When do they provide their services? Where do they provide their services? Why is there a need for their services?

The North Side Learning Center (NSLC) was founded in 2009 and exists to aid in adult and youth literacy development, and to be instrumental in teaching self-sufficiency and self-actualization to newcomers in our community. Students come from dozens of countries around the world. Beyond the core of teaching English to adults and providing academic support to their children, additional programs are offered as resources allow.These have included sewing classes, digital and financial literacy, soccer, photography, and college prep to name a few. Volunteers from Syracuse University, Le Moyne College, and the general community allow NSLC to provide these enhanced classes and to provide individualized,constructive teaching. Services are provided to over 150 students annually - from ages four to eighty-four. What makes the North Side Learning Center unique - and successful - is its approach: start with where people are; respect their experiences and abilities; and teach what they want and need to learn.

III. The mission statement of the organization. (If you worked for a structured organization not an individual) (hint: look up the mission statement on the organization's website)

The mission of North Side Learning Center is to aid in adult and youth literacy development, and to be instrumental in teaching self-sufficiency and self actualization to newcomers in our community.

III.  Description of the specific tasks.

I help kids with their homework. I work with kids grade 4-7.
I help with math, science, and social studies.

IV.  Discuss any memorable personal experience; positive or negative, you had during your service that you feel were important.    How these tasks impacted the mission of the organization or the well-being of the individual?

I felt good helping the kids because I make them happy.I was able to speak their own language and help them do their own work. one student had only been in  this country for five months, so everything was really hard for him. I remember when it  was like that for me, so I'm glad I was  able to help him.

VI.  Conclusion:  Your personal reactions to the act of performing community service    Positive and/or negative reactions Do you feel you made a difference? Why or why not. What impact do you believe community service has on our society? Would you recommend your community service opportunity(ies) to other students Why or why not?

I think it is important for people to do community service because there are a lot of people who need help,and if  everybody helps in the ways that they can, there should always be someone to help us when we need it.  If you have been in school for longer than someone else, then you should know more than them. That's  why I was able to help other students. Learning is really important, and helping others is something that we can all do.

 Formatting requirements for the paper General Requirements: 500 - 750 words in length Word processed in 12 pt size font Accepted fonts: Times or Times New Roman Margins: 1-inch top, bottom, left & right Double spaced
Here is one student's community service draft  reflection. Use
reflection here

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